Closing Costs
Closing costs are the settlement fees paid by purchasers upon receipt of their loan from their bank. The general closing costs are between 2-7% of the total loan value. The Real Estate Procedures Closing Act (RESPA) requires that lenders and mortgage brokers give buyers a Good Faith Estimate of all loan-related expenses due at closing. However, these estimates do not guarantee actual mortgage closing costs.
In North Carolina the average closing costs on a property that is $200,000 is as follows:
Average origination fees charged by lender:
Average title and third-party fees:
Average Total Fees:
Some of the items that could be included in your closing costs are as follows:
Application Fee
Attorney Fees
Assumption Fee
Broker Fees
Credit Report
Document Preparation
Prepaid Interest
Processing Fee
Tax Service
Title Insurance
Title Search
Wire Transfer
Employment Verification
Flood Certification
Inspections (pest, radon, etc.)
Home Warranty
Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
Notary Fee
$ 1,642
$ 1,894
$ 3,536